
Fri, 02/14/2025

CDR Director on the Need for Integrated Innovation in Education

This essay explores the necessity of integrated innovation within educational frameworks to address the rapidly changing demands of the digital age. The central research question examines how integrated innovation can be effectively incorporated into educational paradigms to equip future leaders with the essential skills to tackle contemporary challenges.
Wed, 09/18/2024

Gregory Thomas has been invited to join the OpenAI initiative

The OpenAI Forum is an initiative that brings together experts and outstanding students to discuss and collaborate on the present and future of AI. Prof. Thomas was requested to join and accepted the invitation.
Tue, 08/27/2024

Who are Design Thinkers?

Once regarded as a unique blend of creativity and analytic rigor exclusive to highly skilled professionals, design thinking has significantly evolved over the past decades. This essay examines the question, "Who are the design thinkers?" and reflects on the transformation and current state of design thinking in education and business.
Fri, 08/02/2024

Director Pens Mental Health Essay

After several months of work, I have finished an essay concerning social withdrawal syndrome and the impact of technology. The paper critically evaluates how tech innovations affect therapeutic approaches and social dynamics, aiming to balance technology's role in treatment against its risks of deepening isolation.
Wed, 09/27/2023

The CDR Makes the Grade

To meet the requirements of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design, a team of reviewers composed of members from other universities came to conduct a review. The reviewers focus on whether the Design Department meets NASAD standards and guidelines for Mission, Goals, and Objectives, Size and Scope,...

Wed, 09/27/2023

CDR Engaged in a new T-mobile Project

T-Mobile has long been a supporter of the CDR and has recently reached out to help develop a solution in healthcare. To simplify, the elder, more senior nurses are retiring rapidly due to the pandemic and what has become “burnout” from their increased duties. The knowledge and experience that years...

Thu, 08/24/2023

CDR Research on Infection Mitigation at KU Hospital

Gregory Thomas, director of the Center for Design Research (CDR) at the University of Kansas School of Architecture & Design, recently conducted a research study at the University of Kansas Health System.
Tue, 05/23/2023

KU School of Medicine creates Salina-based Kansas Center for Rural Health

The University of Kansas School of Medicine announced the formation of the Kansas Center for Rural Health, which will address health disparities in rural parts of the state.
Mon, 03/20/2023

CDR Project for Homeless Veterans

During the 2023 spring term, a CDR class helped Tunnels to Towers (T2T), an organization that provides housing assistance to injured veterans, first responders, and their families.
Fri, 12/02/2022

Q&A with Greg Thomas (Opens in new window)

Q&A with Greg Thomas, director of the Center for Design Research and professor of visual communication design
Sat, 11/12/2022

We're Back!

After a long absence, the CDR website is back and able to support the news of all the beautiful things done while we've been away. I want to thank Marissa Naggi (school designer), Dean Rashid, and Chair Hossler for the rebirth of our site. Now, you'll be able to read...

Media Contacts

Greg Thomas